Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics


Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (commonly referred to AMO Physics) is the study of the interaction between light and matter. Physicists study this interaction on various scales, from the atomic to molecular level, in order to explore critical scientific questions. AMO physicists strive to understand and control atoms, molecules, and light in new ways that were hardly dreamed about, only a decade ago. Experiments pioneered in the Department of Physics and in the affiliated institute  resulted in two shared Nobel Prizes in Physics in 2001 for the creation of ultracold quantum gases and another in 2005 for breakthroughs in ultraprecise laser and optical physics.

Some of the fastest lasers in the world, whose pulse of light last less than a millionth of a billionth of a second, reside in experimental laboratories here, as well as theoretical studies of their potential exploitation for new ways to probe and manipulate matter.

Experiments and theory also tackle the fundamental chemical physics processes and reactions that occur in the cold reaches of interstellar clouds in space, of interdisciplinary interest for chemistry and astrophysics in addition to physics. Another frontier pursued by cutting edge research here is the crafting of atom-light interactions so precise that a new generation of atomic clocks can be envisioned, whose accuracy approaches 1 second in the lifetime of the universe. This is the age of controlling nature at the quantum level, and this forefront area generates tremendous excitement on the Boulder campus and beyond.

AMO Research Groups


Experimental AMO physicists work to better enhance precise measurements of smaller forms of matter, and test theories in the laboratory. Topics in AMO Physics include the behavior of atoms in ultralow temperatures, pursuing ever-more precise forms of measurements, as well as related investigations into chemical and biological physics.


  I'm interested in nonlinear optics, atom optics and optical precision measurements. Our group is currently investigating acoustic and RF antenna-array signal processing and sensing of chemical vapors.

Bose Einstein Condensate

  My research interests center around the behavior of extremely cold atomic gases. I am best known for producing a Bose-Einstein condensate in a sample of trapped atoms. My group investigates techniques for manipulating cold atoms and studies interactions between trapped alkali atoms at collision energies below one microKelvin.


  The thrust of research in our group is in optical and x-ray science using new tabletop light sources. We develop these new ultrafast laser and coherent x-ray sources as part of our research in optical science, and then make use of these light sources for new experiments in physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering.


  The Lewandowski Group studies collisions and reactions of simple cold molecules and ions. Our ultimate goal is to understand the quantum mechanical processes involved in making and breaking a chemical bond. We aim to control the reacting molecules external and internal degrees of freedom in the quantum regime.


  We work in experimental nonlinear and ultrafast nano-optics. This includes spatio-temporal optical control, optical antennas, surface plasmon and phonon polaritons, extreme nonlinear optics, and strong light-matter interaction.


  We seek to engineer and explore new quantum systems with controlled connections for quantum information and sensing and quantum optics. 


  We strive to advance science and technology in the fields of optics and photonics through advanced functional materials, novel laser systems and measurement techniques. We also pursue nonlinear frequency conversion inside micro resonators on silicon chips, and we work towards fully monolithic solid-state lasers that could survive even under the harsh conditions in a spacecraft.


  A general theme of our research is breaking quantum limits using collective interactions between laser-cooled atoms and a single mode of an optical cavity.


  Our group explores the frontier of light-matter interactions where novel atomic and molecular materials are prepared in the quantum regime. We also control light fields that include both continuous waves and ultrashort pulses. 


Theoretical AMO physicists use mathematical models to attempt to explain and predict the behavior of matter and light as they interact.


  Our research interests are related to the theory of ultrafast processes in atoms, molecules and nanostructures induced, observed and controlled by ultrashort intense laser pulses.


  My primary research centers on the theory of collisions between trapped atoms and molecules in a dilute gas at milliKelvin temperatures and below. My goal is to unravel these delicate energy exchanges and assess their response to external electromagnetic fields.


  The Holland theory group's research is on properties of quantum gases with a focus on transport in optical lattices and on strongly interacting superfluids. The group is also working on superradiant cavity QED with group-II elements to develop a millihertz linewidth laser that would have a coherence length stretching from the earth to the sun.


  Our research interests are in the scientific interface between atomic, molecular and optical physics, condensed matter physics and quantum information science. Specifically, on ways of developing new techniques for controlling quantum systems and then using them in various applications ranging from quantum simulations/information to time and frequency standards.