Standing Against Racism

Ƶ Boulder Campus Resources For Standing Against Racism

Ombuds Office Lunch And Learn Series. Small Bites. Big Impact.

“Staying In Conversation Ƶ Racism” Series With Kirsi Aulin And Donna Mejia

Slide 1 of "Staying In Conversation Ƶ Racism" Presentation

You may be wondering, what can you do? DonnaMejia and Kirsi Aulin will talk through five elements that you can engage with:
• Meeting the moment with awareness
• Questioning with courage
• Listening with sincerity
• Learning about valuable resources
• Acting with integrity

View theJune 19th session:
Ƶ Boulder Associate Professor Donna Mejia and Ƶ Boulder Ombuds Office Director Kirsi Aulin share an overview of the five elements of Staying In Conversation about Racism.

View the July 8th session:
Ƶ Boulder Associate Professor Donna Mejia and Ƶ Boulder Ombuds Office Director Kirsi Aulin take a deeper dive into what it means to meet the moment with awareness.

View the July 15th session:
Ƶ Boulder Associate Professor Donna Mejia and Ƶ Boulder Ombuds Office Director Kirsi Aulin take a deeper diveinto what it means to listen meaningfully and wholeheartedly.

View the July 22 Session:
Ƶ Boulder Associate Professor Donna Mejia and Ƶ Boulder Ombuds Office Director Kirsi Aulin take a deeper dive into what it means to question with courage.

View the July 29 Session:
Ƶ Boulder Associate Professor Donna Mejia and Ƶ Boulder Ombuds Office Director Kirsi Aulin take a deeper diveinto what it means to learn about valuable resources.

View the August 5 Session:
Ƶ Boulder Associate Professor Donna Mejia and Ƶ Boulder Ombuds Office Director Kirsi Aulin take a deeper diveinto what it means to act with integrity.

Ƶ Boulder Campus Resources

Ƶ Boulder Student Dialogues: Skill Building Dialogue Series

Center for Inclusion & Social Change: Let’s Talk, Let’s Heal Together and e-Let’s Talk Informal Consultations and Interrupting Racism Interactive 90 Minute Skillsoft Training

Center for Teaching & Learning: Inclusivity: Take Action Ideas

Office of Diversity, Equity & Community Engagement: Combating Racism Together

Office of Faculty Affairs: Academic Freedom Conversation

Office of Undergraduate Education: Combating Racism Together

University Libraries:

University Libraries:

University Libraries:

Leeds MBA Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee:#BeTheChange Challengecelebrating Black History Month

Other Resources


Dr. Robin DeAngelo's definition of White Fragility:

“White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium. Racial stress results from an interruption to what is racially familiar."

Peggy McIntosh's definition of White Privilege:

"How one’s gender/race/etc. may lead to unearned advantages and requires a willingness and structural understanding to recognize racism as a default system that institutionalizes an unequal distribution of resources and power."

Take a deeper look at these authors and thought leaders:

Angela Davis

bell hooks (Gloria Jean Watkins)

Edward Said

Frederick Douglas

Ida B. Wells

James Baldwin

Paulo Freire

W.E.B. Du Bois

Zora Neale Hurston


“We don’t do perfect here.” – Dawn French

“We do the best we can. When we know better, we do better.” – Maya Angelou