G1 Deliver high-quality IT services by continuously improving operations, supporting end users, assessing value of the services, and incorporating security best practices
G2 Adhere to IT policies, standards, and procedures to ensure high-quality service delivery and service management. This includes regularly assessing and revising existing processes to stay current with changing technologies and IT best practices
Maturation of IT Security
G1 Gain visibility of IT assets and risks across campus
G2 Prioritize cleaning up campus IT vulnerabilities
G3 Bolster awareness and training for all on responsibilities and best practices
Support Student Success
G1 Advance an effective, scalable, adaptable, and secure digital learning ecosystem, including supporting the BUS-LIT initiative, which underpins student success
G2 Maintain & improve Buff Portal: the one-start shop for student administrative services, designed with student input at every step to bring together the enormous and fragmented set of campus resources available to them, provide crucial personal data when and how they need it, and continuously act upon their feedback to improve their experience
G3 Maintain and improve the Buff Portal Advising platform and support the First-year student engagement experience
G4 With ODA, create and support the data infrastructure that enables analysis and decision-making that leads to maximizing student success and retention
Optimize Organizational Health of IT units (both central and distributed)
G1 Invest in measurable retention strategies for staff
G2 Foster empowerment and engagement for IT employees to do their best work (Empowerment is defined as having the authority, responsibility, tools, knowledge, and accountability to achieve the job.)
G3 Achieve a level of work visibility across the organization that allow IT employees to continually ensure resources are allocated to the highest priority work while appropriately balancing workloads
G4 Address technical debt and outdated processes that are inefficient and/or pose a risk to the university
Support the Research Mission of an AAU R1 University
G1 Build best-in-class high performance research compute, storage, and cloud environment, along with a well-configured research network, to support fair and equitable access for a diverse set of stakeholders
G2 Create a vibrant regional research community through accessible user support and education to research computing resources
G3 Develop secure access to data while maintaining required measures of compliance for our sponsors
Provide Consistent IT Management & Governance
G1 Leverage existing governance structures (University Executive Leadership Team, Deans Council, Research Institutes Directors Meetings) to align IT priorities with campus priorities
G2 Unify central IT and distributed IT with clarity regarding foundational, consortium, and specialized IT services across an IT continuum
G3 Establish IT standards, policies and practices that align with campus goals
Enable a Hybrid-Smart Campus through Effective Technology
G1 Modernize and adapt our digital productivity ecosystem to be holistic, scalable, and secure Ìý
G2 Create new IT support structures to accelerate a hybrid-smart campus
G3 Develop new education and training opportunities for employees in support of a hybrid-smart campus
Foster the Use of Data through Automation and Scalability
G1 Connect ¶¶Òõ¶ÌÊÓƵ data sources to internal applications and external vendor solutions
G2 Easily schedule, automate, and monitor data pipelines to collect and deliver data
G3 Read, write, and save data of any size with secure and scalable object storage