Campus conversation regarding Yiannopoulos visit continues, evolves
Earlier today, senior campus leadership received a letter from more than 200 faculty members and a petition signed by more than 200 graduate students. The documents asked the administration to lend their support to events proposed as alternatives to the Jan. 25 Milo Yiannopoulos talk, organized by the student organization chapters of the College Republicans and Turning Point USA. In the petitions, a potential ongoing series of events to support the campus goal of safety and inclusive excellence was also proposed.
Chancellor DiStefano met with faculty and graduate student representatives to hear their concerns, as well as offers to help lead and organize the proposed events. Subsequently, he and other leaders provided preliminary responses to the letter and the petition (linked below).
Campus leadership has committed to meeting with faculty and students to fully develop these plans in the near future.
Campus leadership letter in response to faculty open letter
Campus leadership letter in response to graduate student petition