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Micah Prendergast - Biomedical

Micah Prendergast is 5th year PhD student in Dr. Mark Rentschler’s This research group specializes in the design and control of surgical robotic systems, including the development of novel surgical tools and devices.

Micah’s research focuses on the design and development of robotic capsule endoscopes to enable faster, less invasive procedures.

Currently, he is working toward the autonomous navigation, localization, and control of these robotic devices through the intestine using visual and inertial feedback.

Micah received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronic Engineering from North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Asheville in 2013 and is a National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship recipient.

Micah also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. When not working to hasten the inevitable robot apocalypse, Micah enjoys casually overthinking all of his life decisions over a nice cup of tea.

Micah Prendergast Medical