Honors & Awards
- She will use this award to support her dissertation research on sacred landscapes and global discourses in Khumbu, Nepal.
- Gilbert F. White Doctoral Fellowships in Geography have been awarded to Meredith Gartner and Travis Klingberg.
- Adam Kolff Memorial Research Fellowships have been awarded to Claudio Alvarez, Chris Jochem, and Alana Wilson
- Galen is the recipient of the Department of Geography Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award - TA.
- Preston was awarded the Department of Geography Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award - GPTI.
- James A. and Jeanne B. DeSana Graduate Research Scholarships have been awarded to Lauren Gifford, Kathryn Hamm, and Caitlin Ryan.
- Preston received the Top TA/GPTI award for 2012 from the United Government of Graduate Students.
- This grant is funded through the Charles Redd Center for Western Studies at Brigham Young University. The Redd Center promotes the study of the Intermountain West by offering grants to faculty and students at colleges and universities across the
- This fellowship will be used to support research work for summer 2012.
- This fellowship is used to support research work for summer 2012.