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Temporary Employment Opportunity: Entry-level Geoscientist/Hydrogeologist

Temporary Employment Opportunity

Entry-level Geoscientist/Hydrogeologist

6-9 Month Temporary Position (32-40 hours/week)

The Colorado Division of Water Resources (DWR) has a need for an entry-level geoscientist to assist staff within the Hydrogeologic Services Group with current project requirements in water resource, geologic, and hydrogeologic investigations and projects. The ideal candidate will have a geoscience Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (or in progress) with relevant geologic and hydrologic science course work.

Working knowledge of ArcGIS and MS Access (or other database management systems) is required. Relevant job experience in groundwater monitoring, monitor well construction, geologic mapping, water diversion records, and/or water rights administration is a plus. Pay is on an hourly basis dependent upon qualifications. No employment related benefits apply. Some overnight field work may be required. Position is available now.

Candidate will work on the following projects and investigations, among others:

  • High Groundwater Investigations: The position requires a hydrogeologist to perform tasks related to the Sterling and LaSalle/Gilcrest high groundwater project areas including project specific logistics, groundwater-level monitoring, data compilation and analysis, data display, and equipment maintenance.
  • National Groundwater Management Network: As a new data provider, DWR will provide data to this national network in 2017-2018. Tasks include data review and QA/QC for existing High Plains and Colorado Plateau monitoring network wells.
  • Groundwater Monitoring: The position will assist in groundwater-level monitoring, data entry, data analysis, and reporting for the South Platte River basin, Denver Basin and other Designated Basins in the DWR monitoring well network.
  • Hydrogeologic Mapping: The employee may assist in the delineation of geologic formations and aquifers by constructing geologic cross-sections from geophysical logs, structure maps, and isopach maps. A working knowledge of RockWorks17 and/or Strater (Golden Software) would be ideal.
  • Outreach: The position may participate

If interested, please email a resume to or call:
Matthew Sares, Manager, DWR Hydrogeological Services Branch
matt.sares@state.co.us 303-866-3581 x8290
