Operations & Information Management Certificate
Advances in business knowledge and technology have radically changed business systems and processes – for example, how organizations buy and sell goods and services, integrate their supply chain and logistic systems, and reach or retain customers. As a result, critical to today’s businesses is the ability to get the right information to the right people at the right time, so that both strategic and operational decisions are made properly and quickly. To help students develop this ability, the Leeds School of Business offers the OPIM Certificate.
The OPIM Certificate requires students to complete any three courses in the Operations Management and/or Information Management tracks of the Management and Entrepreneurship major (3 credits each for a total of 9 credits) and internship (MGMT 4910: Academic Internship in Management). In addition, students are required to maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher for the selected courses and receive a letter grade of “B-” or higher in each of the three courses. Successful completion of the certificate program will appear on the student’s transcript.
Declaration of Intent
Please complete the Declaration of Intent or email the OPIM certificate director Micah McGee micah.mcgee@colorado.edu if you have any questions.
Interested in the OPIM Certificate?
Follow these steps:
- Sign up online. See Declaration of Intent above.
- Complete one of the three courses you are using for the certificate. (Refer to the course catalog and/or meet with the OPIM certificate director to learn more about each of the courses offered).
- Secure an internship.
- Internship steps:
- Obtain an Internship where you can apply material from an upper division OPIM course you have taken. The Internship does not need to be in Operations or Information Management, but must contain elements of OPIM from your course.
- Enroll in MGMT 4910 (OPIM Academic Internship) for 3 credits. Ideally, you will enroll in MGMT 4910 the same semester as your internship.
- Internship steps:
- Complete the remaining OPIM courses earning a minimum of B- in each course. Three OPIM courses and the OPIM Academic Internship (MGMT 4910) are required.
- During your final semester, email the OPIM certificate director to ensure all elements of the OPIM certificate were met.
- First, meet with your academic advisor to review your Degree Audit to verify you have met the requirements.
- After meeting with your advisor, email the OPIM Director, Micah McGee @micah.mcgee@colorado.edu, to indicate that you are graduating and have completed the OPIM requirements.
Certificate Requirements
- Complete 3 OPIM courses (see list below) with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in those three courses.
- Acquire an Internship once you have taken at least one class
- Enroll in MGMT 4910 OPIM Academic Internship in the same semester as your internship.
- Please note: This certificate is awarded to Leeds students only, and it will appear on your transcript.
OPIM Courses
ACCT 4540 (3) Acct Information Systems
BAIM 3100 (3) Data Visualization
BAIM 3205 (3) Business Data Management
BAIM 3210 (3) Low Code for Citizen Developers
BAIM 3220 (3) Introduction to Python Programming
BAIM 4065 (3) Leadership in a Digital Age
BAIM 4090 (3) IT and Business Strategy
BAIM 4120 (3) Business Analytics
BAIM4210/BAIM3200 (3) Business Application Programming
BAIM 4220 (3) Business Technologies
BAIM 4230 (3) Design of Usable Business Systems
BAIM 4240 (3) Technology Integration
BAIM 4250 (3) Information Security Management
BAIM 4440 (3) Privacy in Big Data Analytics
BAIM 4500 (3) Enterprise Intelligence Systems
BAIM 5230 (3) Design of Usable Business Systems
MGMT 3100 (3) Operations Management
MGMT 4110 (3) Supply Chain Management
MGMT 4120 (3) Managing Business Processes
MGMT 4130 (3) Sustainable Operations
MGMT 4140 (3) Project Management
MGMT 4150 (3) International Operations Management
MKTG 3700 (3) Digital Marketing
ORGN 4210 (3) Systems Thinking
Other 3000 or 4000 level BAIM Courses
Have more questions? Please see the following link for a list of frequently asked questions and answers.