Recordings of the llivestreamed presentation and critique sessions for the Fall 2021 BS Creative Technology & Design Capstone projects are linked below. You have two options for viewing these:

  • Click on the "watch" link for the entire session and view the presentations in sequence.
  • Select specific projects you'd like to riview and click on the link in the right-hand column.

See below for a complete schedule and descriptions of this year's amazing student projects.


Project Student(s) Description Watch the Video


Delaney Brummond, Gino DePolo, and Ali Keller BrainPower is a physically interactive experience that allows a viewer to step inside of an animated short film in order to experience what it's like to be a person living with ADHD.
Elevens! Megan Felsch and Daniel Rafael Elevens is a digitization of the European card game Frem med Elleveren with the goal of connecting cultures and generations of families and friends, offering that fun feeling that comes with playing a game together, but in a remote environment.
Dissension Maggie Ryan Dissension is a 4 player strategic board-game committed to removing excessive waste from its packaging and giving players a deeper, less mathematical play experience through its integration with a web app.
Noetic Alexis McBeain Noetic is a 2D platformer that showcases the feeling and experience of anxiety that is present in an academic setting.
Blueshift Kaiya Wahl and Tyler Myers BlueShift is an interactive installation that will tell the story of how Blue Whale migration has been impacted by humans. We hope to create an interactive and engaging experience that goes beyond a simple dataset. By displaying data through a story and combining it with user interaction the average person should know more about the human impact on an endangered species, and want to protect them.
Embodied Awareness Kyle Ivy Embodied Awareness is a wearable garment designed to reduce the likelihood & intensity of chronic stress and promote mindfulness. This garment is a personalized experience for users who live with or are predisposed to chronic stress.
BitMedRX Kylie Buchen BitMed Rx redesigns electronic health records to eliminate life-threatening medical errors within emergency settings and reduce fragmentation across various electronic health systems by implementing a visual, integrated, and customizable interface for patients, clinicians, and medical researchers, collectively.
Virtual Artist Playbook Mitchell Cohen To combat the effects of Covid-19 on independent artist revenue streams, I built the online presence for 4 artists to help them capitalize on their existing revenue streams and build new streams as we come out of the pandemic.
Emitting Andrew Barlow, Madi Heath, Phu Le, and Sofi Ozambela Emitting is a sculptural installation in the Black Box utilizing projection mapping to interactively express and explore feelings of loneliness and isolation
Kaleideo EO Rafelson Kaleideo is a visual instrument that records the inside of a kaleidoscope in real time for immersive experiences.
