• I came to TWT with a two-fold objective: a) to learn how to teach with technology for creative, embodied, human-centered subjects such as Performance and Directing and b) to devise a syllabus for an Interdisciplinary Creativity course. My idea is to
  • Image of Fiber Tracts from Heisler's PowerPoint slides https://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/martinos/aboutUs/index.php“A lot of students come in thinking that anatomy is all about memorization,” says Ƶ Professor Ruth Heisler as she clicks through a
  • "It was tucked into the last page of the second to the last diary," says Patrick Mulcrone, Ƶ's newly hired Digital Imaging Technologist. For weeks, he and his student employees had been painstakingly scanning and digitizing hundreds of diary
  • A college dormitory might not be the first place you would expect to find a large-scale model of the solar system, but inside Ƶ's Andrews Residential Hall, planets orbit slowly around a bright orange sun.Built by Engineering Honors 
  • Just as a recap: I am teaching my visual art students how to use digital storytelling in order to 1) learn how to use narrative as a form of persuasion 2) how language is not “fixed” but always interacting with other media—sound and visuals 3) to
  • Ever since the first symbols were scratched into Sumerian clay, writing has been a coveted skill. Until recently, this meant teaching students how to produce coherent handwritten essays for an audience that was hungry for information and patient
  • photo of Nathan Wheeler/ Photo by Marty Caivano At first, it is dark. Then, once my eyes begin to adjust, I notice the movement of tiny lights across the walls and ceiling. Disoriented, I make my way toward a dark enclosure in the center of the
  • When I was eight years old and testing out career options, I would often stage interviews with imaginary subjects. My tools were simple: a pen, a notebook, and a Fisher-Price camera. Of course, as we all know, the tools of the modern journalist are
  • Learn more about the art of podcasting in this podcast that Ed Rivers created.
  • It wasn’t necessarily the poem that made them nervous, but the question that followed: "Can any of you relate to the narrator?" asked instructor Jenna Montazeri after they had finished reading "This is Just to Say" by William Carlos Williams:"Have
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