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Applied Mathematics Department Colloquium - Radu Craiu

Event Description:
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Adaptive Strategies for Component-Wise Metropolis-Hastings

Adaptive ideas within the MCMC universe are ubiquitous. However, proving the validity of an adaptive MCMC sampler can be a complicated affair, especially because of the so-called Containment Condition. Recent theoretical developments that will be briefly discussed have simplified this latter task. We propose a novel adaptive MCMC for component-wise Metropolis-Hastings using a simple and intuitive design that relies on the Multiple-try Metropolis transition kernel. ThisÌý Adaptive Component-Wise Multiple-try Metropolis is compared with other existing adaptive CMH samplers using numerical experiments. This is joint work with Jinyoung Yang and Jeffrey Rosenthal.
Location Information:
1111 Engineering DR
Boulder, CO
Contact Information:
Name: Ian Cunningham
Phone: 303-492-4668
Email: amassist@colorado.edu